
Changing Your Behavior Patterns, Behavior Modification, Rescripting Your Life, Mastering Change

Changing Your Behavior Patterns – Breaking Bad Habits

First, we make our habits, then our habits make us.

All behavior starts in the mind. Take charge of your life. Overcome habits and addictions and train your body, mind, and emotions to do what you want them to. Then your thoughts and actions work in the service of your higher goals.

We often think of  “behavior” in terms of physical activities such as smoking, drinking, procrastinating, or overworking. When you come to think of it, however, you discover that your thoughts, your emotions, and even your beliefs are behaviors too – and they are the true roots of your physical behaviors. Because all these behaviors are yours and yours alone, you have the right and the power to change them.

Think about it. All behaviors are orchestrated by your mind and your brain. To make a change, you need new ‘software’ for your mind. Which would you like to change? The products below will help you change your mind and change your life. Each features Dr. Miller’s soothing voice guiding you through a powerful process for creating change developed in his 40+ years of clinical experience. Your goal is to transform negative behaviors into positive ones that support your life goals.

Like any other computer, the biocomputer between your ears responds best when you speak in a language it understands. Anger, fear, frustration, and criticism don’t work. I Am: Awakening Self-Acceptance and I Can: Achieving Self-Empowerment can help you create a stronger base to change from. Personal Excellence is an in-depth experiential program to develop and activate your vision. To help eliminate the stress of change, consider Ten-Minute Stress Manager and Total Stress Relief Suite. For an overview of how our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and stress are related, read Dr. Miller’s book Deep Healing: The Essence of Mind-Body Medicine. To help eliminate the stress of change consider Ten-Minute Stress Manager and Stress Fitness Vol 1 and Vol 2. Relaxation and Inspiration could come in handy as well.


The programs below have been hand-selected by Dr. Miller to help you Change your Habits And Behaviors

Power of Your Mind to Change Behaviors: Overcome Habits and Addictions (DVD or Download)
Learn how to melt away negative emotions to manage stress, and how to focus positive emotions to create the future you desire.
Freedom From Within: Stress Management and Self Awareness for Use in Prisons, Jails, and Correctional Facilities
This breakthrough program teaches inmates how to better handle the challenges of their incarceration and provides them with the options of inner peace and control of their minds and emotions. It features heart-to-heart talks by Dr. Miller, which include profoundly motivating insights from former inmates who have turned their lives around – expressed in their own voices. Then, through his calming, melodic voice, Dr. Emmett Miller guides listeners through healing strategies, including deep relaxation, guided imagery, meditative skills and soothing music. The goal is to help inmates retrain their minds, rescript their lives, and serve out their time peacefully and productively.
Creating Your Island of Peace Meditation (MP3 Only)
This guided imagery experience is a perfect way to begin to learn to heal deeply. Because stress is such a major factor in our individual as well as collective illness and dysfunction, the most powerful tool in combating it is deep relaxation.
Personal Excellence - Bring Your Best to Life (6CDs or MP3s)
When your desire for achievement matches your desire for personal growth and integrity, Personal Excellence is a must!
Writing Your Own Life Script
Resolve essentially any unwanted habitual pattern – overuse of drugs and alcohol, nail biting, procrastination, guilt, stage fright, insecurity, inhibition, negative thinking, excessive worry, or self-criticism.
Ten-Minute Stress Manager
This jewel has proven itself time and again with businesspeople, students, performers, athletes, and others who have little time to find the relaxation they vitally need. Learn to quickly relieve tension and wind down after a stressful period by focusing your energy and attention.
Smoke No More
Develop a clear positive image of your goals and teaches your deeper mind to reject smoking as a habit.
Sexual Intimacy (Dr. Miller Classic)
Lovely music and imagery support the voices of Dr. Miller and his wife, Sandra Miller, as they provide gentle, compassionate guidance for opening your heart and body to the beauty of loving.
Serenity Prayer
All behaviors are based on decisions made by the deeper mind. Use this beautiful program every day, while you drive, to choose your wisest behavior.
Permanent Weight Loss
Permanent Weight Loss offers a way to take charge of your mind and train your nervous system to use the powerful set of tools of deep relaxation and guided imagery. With these tools, you can take charge of your emotions, your behavior and your body, and guide them to support your losing weight – and keeping it off forever.
Letting Go Of Stress
No wonder Letting Go of Stress is the world’s most popular stress management CD! Several distinct and different guided imagery and deep relaxation experiences teach powerful techniques for melting away stress and its symptoms. The beautiful vocal performance, one of Dr. Miller’s best, is enhanced by an exquisite, specially composed score performed by famed musician Stephen Halpern. No healing library is complete without this one! You will be treated to four different specific relaxation and stress reduction techniques, including progressive relaxation, autogenic self-suggestion, muscle tension release, and creative visualization with everyone’s favorite—"A Trip to the Beach."
Imagine Yourself Slim
Your mind is a goal-directed organ and you will learn how to use your inner imagery to set the weight goal that is right for you.
I Am: Awakening Self-Acceptance
Discover your true inner self -- the big Self that exists at a deeper level than the little limited self that insists that you're not good enough, not smart enough, or in some other way not capable of succeeding at whatever it is you want to do.
Goodbye Insomnia - Deep Sleep Through Hypnosis
As you slip beneath the covers each night, this program helps clear your mind of worry, ruminations, and tension while you relax and allow yourself to be guided into a deep, soothing sleep and wake up refreshed. This program has quickly become one of our Bestsellers!
Freeing Yourself From Fear
Dr. Miller shows you how deep relaxation and guided imagery can eliminate your anxiety and fear.
Finding Serenity: Overcoming Dependence And Co-Dependence
Discover ways of growing while you release what you no longer need.
Break Bad Habits and Addictions: Retrain Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain (MP3 Only)
You have the power to correct unwanted behaviors, even if they have felt compulsive in the past. This program will introduce you to a powerful set of techniques for making this change.
Deep Healing: Your Personal Wellness Suite (CDs)
Healing is derived from an Old English word that is also the root of whole, hale, and hearty. Deep Healing presents Dr. Miller’s original groundbreaking ideas about how to balance and heal mind, body, emotion, and spirit, and how to use Deep Relaxation and Guided Imagery to “program” your inner biocomputer to create balance, integrity, and peak performance.
Awakening the Leader (Suite)
Set of tools will enable you to enter a relaxed, stress-free state with The Ten Minute Stress Manager, and how to use it to produce the balance expressed by the wisdom of the Serenity Prayer.

I Am will guide you to experience your essential Self in a powerful new way, leading to an appreciation and empowerment of your Self. I Can builds Self-confidence, and is an excellent preparation for Awakening The Leader Within, the DVD, and the Awakening The Leader Within CD. Your inner leader can then be positively informed with the inspiring images offered by Healing Our Planet. And whether the changes you most want are highly personal, or totally global, Writing Your Own Life’s Script will help you make those changes a reality.
Balance, Stress and Optimal Health (6 CD Suite)
Several distinct and different guided imagery and deep relaxation experiences teach powerful techniques for melting away stress and its symptoms. Discover how you can make a difference through passion, compassion and love.
Deep Healing, The Essence of Mind-Body Medicine (Book By Emmett Miller MD)
Hands-on healing of mind, body, emotion and spirit shines through in revealing personal vignettes, thought-provoking fables and profound quotes from wise teachers of all times. Fascinating and illuminating, yet at the same time remarkably user-friendly and entertaining, Deep Healing is for everyone, lay person and health professional alike, who is interested in healing themselves and others.

Best Sellers

Letting Go Of Stress
No wonder Letting Go of Stress is the world’s most popular stress management CD! Several distinct and different guided imagery and deep relaxation experiences teach powerful techniques for melting away stress and its symptoms. The beautiful vocal performance, one of Dr. Miller’s best, is enhanced by an exquisite, specially composed score performed by famed musician Stephen Halpern. No healing library is complete without this one! You will be treated to four different specific relaxation and stress reduction techniques, including progressive relaxation, autogenic self-suggestion, muscle tension release, and creative visualization with everyone’s favorite—"A Trip to the Beach."
Freeing Yourself From Fear
Dr. Miller shows you how deep relaxation and guided imagery can eliminate your anxiety and fear.
I Am: Awakening Self-Acceptance
Discover your true inner self -- the big Self that exists at a deeper level than the little limited self that insists that you're not good enough, not smart enough, or in some other way not capable of succeeding at whatever it is you want to do.
Ten-Minute Stress Manager
This jewel has proven itself time and again with businesspeople, students, performers, athletes, and others who have little time to find the relaxation they vitally need. Learn to quickly relieve tension and wind down after a stressful period by focusing your energy and attention.
Creating Your Island of Peace Meditation (MP3 Only)
This guided imagery experience is a perfect way to begin to learn to heal deeply. Because stress is such a major factor in our individual as well as collective illness and dysfunction, the most powerful tool in combating it is deep relaxation.
Deep Healing, The Essence of Mind-Body Medicine (Book By Emmett Miller MD)
Hands-on healing of mind, body, emotion and spirit shines through in revealing personal vignettes, thought-provoking fables and profound quotes from wise teachers of all times. Fascinating and illuminating, yet at the same time remarkably user-friendly and entertaining, Deep Healing is for everyone, lay person and health professional alike, who is interested in healing themselves and others.