Health Professionals

Dear Health and Helping Professionals,

Welcome! I salute you for your work and the sacrifices you have made to practice your healing art and science in today’s bewildering professional environment. I believe the products in this manual offer the least expensive, yet most effective single intervention for nearly every medical and psychological situation – and they function seamlessly with other required interventions. For this reason, they are always sold with a money-back guarantee of satisfaction! A “no brainer.”


Information and Disinformation

I am, as I suspect you are, very aware of the double-edged sword of the "Information Revolution." On one hand, science has revealed so much about the mind and body, from the biochemical to the sociobiological, and shown how centrally important our habits, our relationships and our spiritual awareness are in creating and preserving health. On the other hand, people turn primarily to an Internet full of misleading, inadequate, and false information.

I realized more than 40 years ago that the vast majority of our illnesses, harmful habits, and mood disorders could be relieved or prevented through providing certain information to patients. Because stress and distraction are central to our “diseases of civilization,” these tools involve deep relaxation and focused awareness. When audiocassettes were invented, I recognized that here was a way to distribute this information in a most enjoyable, effective, and incredibly inexpensive way.


The Contents of The Professional Manual and Desk Reference

Since creating the first meditation and guided imagery tapes in 1970, I have been adding gradually to the library, developing titles that deal directly with the problems and issues that patients and clients are confronting. I published them and their use quickly spread, and the techniques they presented are now becoming mainstream worldwide. Further, with the immediacy of MP3 downloads, people can access the support and guidance they need at once. This manual presents the information you need to know to prescribe or recommend each of the many audios, videos, and books I have produced.

Download a guide to using Dr. Miller's most effective guided imagery programs in your practice or healing work.

Much of my career has been the teaching health professionals how to influence the relationship between mind and body, how emotions govern their interaction, how many illnesses can be ameliorated by modifying how we think, feel, relate, and deal with stress. In my practice and my research the goal has been to develop ways of helping people learn that their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are behaviors, and that by changing these they can directly affect both their microscopic (cellular) behavior and macroscopic (habits & lifestyle) wellness. You will find that many of the programs are written specifically for the training of health professionals.

I hope you will take the time to discover which of the products herein can help you to become a more effective, more relaxed, and more creative practitioner and human being. Please scan through this manual, and by all means try out these no-risk solutions. I think you will find them ideal for empowering people to take charge of their lives and their health. And I welcome any and all comments & questions, suggestions and additional data you care to offer; I always consider myself and my practice a "work in progress."



Dr. Miller Signature Image

Emmett Miller MD



Further Information for Health Professionals

Best Sellers

Down With High Blood Pressure
This CD offers a truly effective set of techniques that allow you to gain control of the muscle tension in the walls of your arteries (the root of hypertension) and the behaviors that have contributed to your high blood pressure.
Letting Go Of Stress
No wonder Letting Go of Stress is the world’s most popular stress management CD! Several distinct and different guided imagery and deep relaxation experiences teach powerful techniques for melting away stress and its symptoms. The beautiful vocal performance, one of Dr. Miller’s best, is enhanced by an exquisite, specially composed score performed by famed musician Stephen Halpern. No healing library is complete without this one! You will be treated to four different specific relaxation and stress reduction techniques, including progressive relaxation, autogenic self-suggestion, muscle tension release, and creative visualization with everyone’s favorite—"A Trip to the Beach."
Abolish Anxiety (MP3 only)
Understand and treat all forms of anxiety, worry and panic. Abolish Anxiety is compatible with all medical, herbal and spiritual therapies.
Healing Journey
Meditative techniques to melt away stress whether you're anxious and overwhelmed by everyday life or trying to recover from a specific illness or chronic condition.
Change The Channel On Pain
The mind and its images has a profound effect upon the experience of pain. You can learn to shift your awareness and diminish the pain signals reaching your brain. This program offers two thoroughly relaxing and soothing experiences teach you to use two different techniques to tune out pain and tune in relief.
Healing From Cancer
Its goal is to empower you to recall the power of your mind and body to heal.
Optimal Performance
Learn the "master skill" of peak performance, applicable to any area of life: athletic competition, stage or musical performance, sales, communication, etc.