
Arthritis, Joint Pain

There are two forces at work within your joints and within your body—one force that tends to inflame, the other which tends to soothe and diminish inflammation. Your goal is to support those soothing forces and cool the inflammatory ones. Healing Journey is effective for this purpose. Change the Channel on Pain will help you eliminate residual pain, and Easing into Sleep may prove effective in helping you fall asleep at night in spite of physical discomfort.

The products below have been hand-selected by Dr. Miller to help you Relieve Pain associated with Arthritis, Joints

Power of Your Mind to Manage Stress and Heal Your Body (DVD or Download)
Explore the amazing power of the mind, Denial, how it can block us from total wellness. Relaxation is the specific antidote to tension, and using it is the key to managing stress effectively. You will be treated to two deep relaxation experiences and guided imagery focused on awakening your body’s ability to heal itself.
Osteoporosis and Osteopenia Guided Meditations
Designed to support and maintain healthy bone growth and repair, Dr. Miller guides listeners to imagine the natural, built-in cellular activity that strengthens weakened bone tissue, as well as the work of cells that prevent overgrowth. Available on CD or MP3
Awakening the Healer Within
Enhance your grasp on the principles of deep healing with this eloquent and informative live presentation by Dr. Miller. Learn how the mind can influence normally involuntary responses of the body, and how adjusting your emotions can have a profound effect on your healing. This heart-to-heart talk can be listened to anywhere. An inspiring exploration!
Letting Go Of Stress
No wonder Letting Go of Stress is the world’s most popular stress management CD! Several distinct and different guided imagery and deep relaxation experiences teach powerful techniques for melting away stress and its symptoms. The beautiful vocal performance, one of Dr. Miller’s best, is enhanced by an exquisite, specially composed score performed by famed musician Stephen Halpern. No healing library is complete without this one! You will be treated to four different specific relaxation and stress reduction techniques, including progressive relaxation, autogenic self-suggestion, muscle tension release, and creative visualization with everyone’s favorite—"A Trip to the Beach."
Healing Journey
Meditative techniques to melt away stress whether you're anxious and overwhelmed by everyday life or trying to recover from a specific illness or chronic condition.
Change The Channel On Pain
The mind and its images has a profound effect upon the experience of pain. You can learn to shift your awareness and diminish the pain signals reaching your brain. This program offers two thoroughly relaxing and soothing experiences teach you to use two different techniques to tune out pain and tune in relief.
Stress Management Kit – Silver
Listening to this master healer and guide, you will learn how to free yourself from the clutches of stress, and harness its energy to serve you, to create peak performance. You’ll learn the neural science of how to rewire your brain, heal and balance your emotions, program your mind to think clearly, get rid of unwanted behavior patterns, and create effective and loving relationships that are successful.
Deep Healing, The Essence of Mind-Body Medicine (Audiobook MP3 Download)
Dr. Miller's humor, compassion and clinical experience in the hands-on healing of mind, body, emotion and spirit shines through in revealing personal vignettes, thought-provoking fables and profound quotes from wise teachers of all times. Fascinating and illuminating, yet at the same time remarkably user-friendly and entertaining, Deep Healing is for everyone, lay person and health professional alike, who is interested in healing themselves and others.
Deep Healing: Your Personal Wellness Suite (CDs)
Healing is derived from an Old English word that is also the root of whole, hale, and hearty. Deep Healing presents Dr. Miller’s original groundbreaking ideas about how to balance and heal mind, body, emotion, and spirit, and how to use Deep Relaxation and Guided Imagery to “program” your inner biocomputer to create balance, integrity, and peak performance.
A Time to Heal: Relaxation and Nature Imagery DVD
Supports you during your healing, recovery or prolonged convalescence. Also an effective way to learn imagery and visualization. A favorite of major hospitals and caring homes.
Deep Healing, The Essence of Mind-Body Medicine (Book By Emmett Miller MD)
Hands-on healing of mind, body, emotion and spirit shines through in revealing personal vignettes, thought-provoking fables and profound quotes from wise teachers of all times. Fascinating and illuminating, yet at the same time remarkably user-friendly and entertaining, Deep Healing is for everyone, lay person and health professional alike, who is interested in healing themselves and others.

Best Sellers

Healing Journey
Meditative techniques to melt away stress whether you're anxious and overwhelmed by everyday life or trying to recover from a specific illness or chronic condition.
Letting Go Of Stress
No wonder Letting Go of Stress is the world’s most popular stress management CD! Several distinct and different guided imagery and deep relaxation experiences teach powerful techniques for melting away stress and its symptoms. The beautiful vocal performance, one of Dr. Miller’s best, is enhanced by an exquisite, specially composed score performed by famed musician Stephen Halpern. No healing library is complete without this one! You will be treated to four different specific relaxation and stress reduction techniques, including progressive relaxation, autogenic self-suggestion, muscle tension release, and creative visualization with everyone’s favorite—"A Trip to the Beach."
Change The Channel On Pain
The mind and its images has a profound effect upon the experience of pain. You can learn to shift your awareness and diminish the pain signals reaching your brain. This program offers two thoroughly relaxing and soothing experiences teach you to use two different techniques to tune out pain and tune in relief.
Osteoporosis and Osteopenia Guided Meditations
Designed to support and maintain healthy bone growth and repair, Dr. Miller guides listeners to imagine the natural, built-in cellular activity that strengthens weakened bone tissue, as well as the work of cells that prevent overgrowth. Available on CD or MP3
Deep Healing, The Essence of Mind-Body Medicine (Book By Emmett Miller MD)
Hands-on healing of mind, body, emotion and spirit shines through in revealing personal vignettes, thought-provoking fables and profound quotes from wise teachers of all times. Fascinating and illuminating, yet at the same time remarkably user-friendly and entertaining, Deep Healing is for everyone, lay person and health professional alike, who is interested in healing themselves and others.
Awakening the Healer Within
Enhance your grasp on the principles of deep healing with this eloquent and informative live presentation by Dr. Miller. Learn how the mind can influence normally involuntary responses of the body, and how adjusting your emotions can have a profound effect on your healing. This heart-to-heart talk can be listened to anywhere. An inspiring exploration!